Clay Tile Roofing
Tile roofs are a stand-alone system in the roofing industry and are prevalent in the southern states, traditionally used with Spanish or Mediterranean style homes and businesses. Made from Clay or Concrete, Tile roofing is an environmentally friendly alternative to shingles or shakes that can be very visually appealing.
FUN FACT --- > The oldest known use of clay tiles as a roofing option was in the Taosi site in the Shanxi Province of China, a Neolithic archaeological site dating back to 2300 BC!
Advantages of Clay Tile Roofing
One advantage to Clay Tile roofing is its longevity. These tiles can last more than 100 years before needing replacement. Other great features and benefits of Clay Tile are:
- Fireproof qualities
- Weather and pest resistance
- Increases the resale value of your property
- Last at least twice as long as Concrete Tile
Concrete Tile
Concrete Tiles are a less expensive alternative to Clay Tiles. And some of these products are now certified for hail impact protection guarding your house against damage, increasing the value of your home. Concrete Tiles are considered a “green product” as they may increase air flow from the eaves to the ridge resulting in an average energy savings of up to 20% from year to year. Like Clay Tiles, these tiles last an incredibly long time.
Advantages of Concrete Tile
- Weigh almost 40% less than Clay
- Last up to 50 years
- 30-50% less than the cost of Clay
- Wide variety of color and design options
Martin Roofing Services’ experienced representatives are very knowledgeable about the many options available and can assist you in determining the best product for your job. In addition, our installation teams minimize installation time with their efficient and skilled service.